Tip for the future of Software Engineers Jaison PeterDecember 16, 2011With the recent changes in the economy, a lot of developers are focused on their short-term job prospects. At the same time, it’s important ...
Product based Company vs Services company Jaison PeterApril 18, 2010Product based Company vs Services company It is a common notion among the freshers and also among some of the people in the industry to cons...
A day in life of a software engineer Jaison PeterJanuary 07, 2009What is your occupation/job title? Software Engineer / CMO (Chief Morale Officer -- I was made that by my coworkers back in March or so.) Ar...
Life of a software engineer. Jaison PeterJanuary 07, 2009IT industry is indeed a boon to the job-seekers in India. It pays you well and if you are moderately lucky you will end up doing no work, b...