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WWE Over The Limit 2012: Kofi Kingston & R-Truth Vs. Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger

We finally get the Over the Limit opening video and the pyro going off inside the arena. Michael Cole confirms Marella vs. Christian for later.
WWE Tag Team Title Match: Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger vs. R-Truth and Kofi Kingston
We go to the ring and out comes Vickie Guerrero. She says hello to the Board of Directors. She says she's on the list of people to take over if Laurinaitis gets terminated. She introduces who she calls the next tag team champions - Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger. Out next comes the WWE Tag Team Champions Kofi Kingston and R-Truth.
Kofi starts things off with Swagger and they lock up. Swagger slams Kofi to the mat and they go back and forth with holds. Swagger looks to take control but Kofi knocks him to the mat for a 2 count. Truth comes in for a bit of double team. Truth drops down and does the big leg drop for another pin attempt. Truth works on the arm now. Swagger breaks free and in comes Ziggler. Truth rocks Ziggler with right hands and tags back in Kofi. Kofi comes flying off the top and takes out Dolph for a 2 count.
Ziggler and Swagger tag again and do some more double teaming. Ziggler with cheap shots while the referee is distracted. Ziggler tags in for more double teaming then another tag to Swagger. Swagger misses a big leg drop as Kofi moves and tags in Truth. Truth with clotheslines and a big right hand on Swagger. Truth with the corkscrew elbow and front suplex. Vickie gets on the apron and distracts the referee. Ziggler comes over but Truth kicks him to the floor. Swagger drops Truth in the corner and hits the Swagger Bomb for 2. Ziggler comes back in and stomps away on Truth. Ziggler with a big elbow drop and a 2 count on Truth. Another tag to Swagger as the challengers keep control of Truth in their corner.
Ziggler comes back in with more offense and another 2 count on Truth. Ziggler stops a tag and goes for a neckbreaker but Truth backslides him for 2. Ziggler comes back with a pin attempt of his own. Swagger comes back in and drops an elbow on Truth. Swagger goes back to a submission hold on Truth. Truth fights off Swagger and Ziggler in the corner but they stop him. They hit a big double team move but Truth kicks out at 2. Truth rolls Ziggler up out of nowhere for a 2 count. Ziggler goes right back to the attack and cuts Truth off. Ziggler stands on Truth and tags Swagger back in.
Truth finally manages to hit a tornado DDT on Swagger out of the corner. Ziggler and Kofi both come in. Kofi leaps across the ring and takes Ziggler out. Kofi unloads on Ziggler with a bunch of high flying moves and hits the Boom Drop. Kofi misses Trouble in Paradise. They trade counters. Kofi with a big lateral press for a close 2 count as Swagger breaks the pin. Swagger grabs Kofi but gets dumped onto the floor. Ziggler with the Zig Zag on Kofi but Truth breaks the pin. Truth leaps out on the floor and takes out Swagger. Ziggler runs at Kofi but gets caught with Trouble in Paradise for the win.

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