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EDITION 2 - Why we need cloud for hosting websites?

Lets understand first what is the components of website

  1. Hardware
  2. Software
  3. Manpower involvement 
  4. Multi shared 
 Various hardware and software components include 

  • IIS Service
  • Storage capacity
  • Network bandwidth 
  • Email service 
  • Support 
  • Set of developers 
  • SSL Certificates 

Support consist of following plans

Normal support 

Premium support which includes 1 year,2 year, 3 years so on.

Customers are worried about , Downtime, poor bandwidth, cost, security,redundancy

Thats why cloud service came into picture , they assure 90% SLA guarantee.

Prominent cloud services are 

  • Azure from Microsoft
  • AWS from amazon
  •  IBM Bluemix 
  • Goole cloud
  • Alibaba

We will talk about Azure

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