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How a big organisation network traffic happens

if the proxy is enabled some websites not works 
You need to fix the traffic to you website
here there will be application load balancer 
in that there will be outboud and inbound rules 
here you need to specify security group and custom tcp and port.
Port will be 443 and 80 both
there will be source and destination ports 
there is a rules tab for you application load balancer 
there are target groups as well
in putty you can check it is connecting 
WAF also need to check whether it is connecting 
desable proxy and check the waf 
to desable proxy go to your laptop and turn of proxy with the radio button
waf have a portal like internal ip 
there are multiple waf user name password defaults to admin/admin 
check the pool and see it is live
there is virtual server 

Outboard traffic to enable, probably azure from azure

There will be a url in question to check it is accessible 
Need to check this in browser 

traffic to load balancer is inbound URL

WAF dont have internet access 
It take from private IP
so it should come through zscalar

WAF configuration and Zscalar configuration is done 

We have to put url behind zscalar 

Check the ports are opened

Traffic loadbalancer 
WAF - ILB- OUTbound - target 

In case of outbound Checkpoint is required 

outbound traffic will be done in different teams 

AD authentication also need to be configured

This can be done in a ALB rules tab

Target means a server or a security group

URL need to be whitelisted

Network to network
server to server

check the ports if not approved , it will clear

There will be no usual ports other than 443 and 80 , inside the network there will be multiple ports 

WAF to target is inbound 
Internet to WAF is second 
Outbound traffic also should go ,it should go through checkpoint 

Instead of proxy we use check point , so bypass proxy.

AWS checkpoint, so need to come to Bangalore then to Singapore

Ns lookup is used to check the traffic 

Mapping is required in WAF

zscalar URL is needed to map , this url will be mapped to server

This is nothing but a cname

Webindia is a web hostng to update cname

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