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Issues with port block in big organisation


Need to check how all Port are open 

source and destination in same range

we need to unblock the ports thats the purpose of this article

Review firewall ODC wise 

any any rules normally they block without asking 

Rancher also will be blocked 

only ssh works 

jump server

SSH tunnelling only solution 

 risk assessment is one team

approval will be another team

YUM installation 

red-hat traffic and Microsoft traffic need to be allowed 

There are certain list of IP which need to whitelist for YUM installation 

Avoid high volume traffic without proxy, we have to use direct traffic.

AWS try to reach Microsoft server. 

Singapore banglaore traffic will go 

Zscallar will be in singapore

instead of directing traffic between multiple countries it is better to cut the traffic without useing proxy

Some companies wont allow without proxy

But we can try creating a ticket

They also try to reduce the latency 

Outbound traffic which reverse proxy approved means it is not through proxy or direct internet.

Application to application traffic will not go through proxy.

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