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Design consideration for machine learning chatbot

 If we use any of the popular chat platform like skype, teams, this is first best way to integrate it.

Ideal way is to give a welcome message to user, it may include a video ,also multiple buttons which include different section of questions that could be asked 

Also it contain help section as well to know how to use the bot

After click on of the section you will get a welcome message.

Now you can ask simple question, complex question or followup questions 

Simple question is just one and answers

Complex questions include , images and steps for trouble shooting issues 

Followup questions , this will give multiple buttons in the answer where you can drill again.

So its kind of questions that will give suggestions as well like what are other possible questions you can ask.

After getting an answers , bot will be asking feedback. so bot will be able to train based on previous answers 

If they bot cannot answer, bot will answer different answers as well which may the user is expecting so use can select that answer is what user is expecting 

Instead of clicking , you can change the department as well using text .

Instead of buttons appearing in chat box, you will get drop down select items as well as you get when you click on type window 

Session timeout also need to be kept max 24 hours so the previous context will be lost.

Followup questions can be added by end users as well, This is done by adding Question and answers in the knowledge base, which is nothing but a key value pair

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